at home

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Special Joining Offer

What's your new years resolution in 2012?

If you want to make money, then we can help! Just pay £10* and we'll send you a full VIE at home kit containing everything you need to get the Party started. We'll allocate you a VIE at home Manager to help get your business started and support you every step of the way.

*To qualify for this special offer you must achieve sales of £500 by Thursday 1 March. Your VIE at home Manager will explain this to you, and how easy it is for you to achieve this.
Interested in finding out more? Fill in the form below and one of our Managers will be in touch for a no obligation chat about life at VIE at home. Get started in 2012 – we can't wait to have you in our team!
Your details:
Over 18:* You must be over 18 to become a Consultant.
Title:* If other, please specify:
First name:* Last name:*
Address 1:*
Address 2:
City/Town:* County:*
Postcode:* Country:*
Telephone:* Enter the best number to reach you on
Time:* Enter the best time to contact you
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  SUBMIT * Denotes a required field